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Silvia De Marchi

Arosio, Italy

Silvia De Marchi (b. 1967, Melzo, Italy) is an Italian painter currently based in Italy. Her artistic practice reflects a deep exploration of materiality and sensory experience, moving beyond mere visual representation to engage with the physical and tactile aspects of painting. Silvia's work focuses on the interplay between surface textures and the deeper levels of meaning that can be contained within, investigating themes of fullness and emptiness, visibility and invisibility, and presence and absence.

Silvia’s creative process begins with painting large sheets of Fabriano paper using a watery mixed media ink that includes iron powder, sand, silver powder, and sometimes dust or plaster. This technique results in monochromatic surfaces rich with textures and imperfections. The paper is then subjected to the effects of natural elements (sun, wind, and rain) allowing the material to undergo transformation through wear and tear. This process of deterioration and imperfection is central to her practice, embodying both the fragility and resilience of materials over time. Following this, Silvia tears or cuts the paper into pieces, which are then assembled into multilayered compositions.These works of art evoke a sense of construction and deconstruction, subtly revealing or concealing underlying structures.

Inspired by Buddhist philosophy, Silvia embraces the ephemeral nature of existence and finds beauty in imperfection and simplicity. Her works invite viewers to reflect on the transient quality of materials and the enduring value of time, offering a profound sensory and philosophical experience.

His art has been exhibited in venues across Italy and around the world, and his unique approach to materiality and process has been recognized both locally and internationally.

Silvia De Marchi






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