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Abidjan, Ivory Coast

Victor Giannotta, known as Sepa, is an artist whose journey began in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, in 1994. His fascination with wood and the allure of distant places ignited early in his life, evolving as he explored the forests of the Jura Mountains in Haut-Doubs, France, specifically Métabief.

For Sepa, wood is a universal language, both rustic and elegant, flexible and ardent. He respects the material by personally harvesting fallen wood, ensuring it remains transportable, and then channeling its energy with his own hands.

Sepa's craftsmanship is a testament to his commitment to tradition and sustainability. He crafts objects solely by hand, using age-old techniques, rejecting modern machinery, and allowing his creations to emerge organically.

Inspired by a profound journey through Asia, Sepa has learned from the hands of people and their poetry, reinforcing his belief in the invaluable connection between artistry and craftsmanship.

Sepa's art is a fusion of tradition, skill, and an unwavering passion for the beauty of wood, making him a truly exceptional artist.







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