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Terms and conditions

Version from April 2024

1. General

1.1. These general conditions (hereafter: “General Conditions”) govern the use of the website from the Grège Gallery,  GREGEGALLERY.COM (hereafter: the “Website”), a company incorporated under the laws of Belgium with registered office at 20 Rue Saint-Jean Népomucène, 1000 Bruxelles, and with company number 0760 502 368 (hereafter: “the Seller”).

1.2. The present terms and conditions form the contract binding the Seller and the Customer, hereinafter commonly referred to as “the Parties”.The “Customer” is any natural or legal person who orders product(s) from the Seller.

1.3. The Website from the Seller is created on behalf of and is managed by the Seller. Users are not allowed to use the information on the Website for commercial purposes.

1.4. Placing an order on the Website implies an obligation to pay.

1.5. By placing an order, the Customer declares to irrevocably and unconditionally accept the General Conditions. The General Conditions are published on the Website and will be attached to each order confirmation. The acceptance of the General Conditions is necessary to place a valid order.

1.6. The General Conditions prevail over any conflicting general terms and conditions of the Customer.

1.7. The General Conditions can be amended at any time. The modifications shall be published on the Website and will enter into force ten (10) days after the publication on the Website.

2. Offer and Purchase

2.1. All offers on the Website are purely informative and not binding.

2.2. A Customer has to be at least eighteen (18) years old to place an order.

2.3. An order can only be placed on the Website

2.4. To make a purchase, the following steps have to be made by the Customer:

– Visit the detail page for the item you wish to buy and click “Add to Cart.” You can access your Cart at any time by clicking the Cart page link, which is located in the site header.
– From the Cart page, the Customer can continue the checkout process.
– Cost of delivery is not automatically included in the order. The Seller will contact the Customer regarding the pick up or transport of the goods.
– The Customer can continue the checkout process by selecting the preferred payment method.
– When the checkout process is complete, the Customer will receive an e-mail confirming the order.

2.5. The Seller undertakes the necessary to process the orders placed on the Website as long as supplies last and within the limits set forth in these General Conditions. The order can only be processed if the Customer is clearly identified in accordance with article 8.

2.6. The Seller reserves the right to refuse an order in case of a serious suspicion of abuse of rights or bad faith.

2.7. A purchase is not final until the acceptance of these General Conditions, the applicable price and the description of the offer.

2.8. When the order is placed, the Seller will confirm the order by e-mail and upon confirmation by Seller the order becomes final and binding.

2.9. In accordance with anti-money laundering regulations (including AMLD5), the Seller verifies the Customer’s identity for all purchases exceeding the treshhold of EUR 10,000.00 in total.