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Roan Van Oort


Roan van Oort is a multidisciplinary artist based in the Netherlands. With a strong focus on simplicity and timelessness, he consciously chooses natural materials, characterized by a certain fragility, to discover an emotional power in the essential rawness of the materials. What matters is the power of what we see, and color is a connection to the way we see and experience landscape and nature in all its beautiful forms. The abstract character of the works releases emotions that do not respond to a narrative, but rather arise from associations with intimate experiences and feelings of personal memories - the viewer, due to the lack of a title, is free to interpret what he or she sees. The paintings are created by applying natural pigments, sand, lime and glue and they themselves randomly select a direction of cracks and color variation. The process is both physical and meditative, where the main tool used by the artist himself is his hands. Working with these raw materials values imperfection and the impermanence of life, respect for nature, and the authenticity of the materials.







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