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Moritz Berg
€ 5,800.00 EUR


Moritz Berg
Price on demand
€ 5,800.00 EUR
Inquiry for non-Belgian orders
Currently shown at:
Onde sans Rivage


painting on canvas


Berg is a young German artist born in 1994. He graduatedin architecture and urban planning from the Universityof Stuttgart. He is currently based in Stuttgart, where hecreates exciting works inspired by the hidden qualities ofeveryday moments.

Berg’s artistic practice focuses on the impact of a naturalenvironment and its aesthetic impressions on oneself. Hepauses the frenetic pace of daily life in order to perceive theuniqueness and poetry of such impressions. Capturing thegestures of nature leads him to moments of mindfulnessand meditation, a concept which is his practical responseto the hyper-digital life we live.

To carry out his artistic process, all he does is looking closelyat the shadows dancing on the pavement or admiring thetrees swaying in the wind. Berg translates these moments ofinspiration and quality offered by the environment aroundus by fusing them with his artistic vision.

His work in the forthcoming exhibition bears witness to this:working on a painting in the south of France last summer,Berg was interrupted by a storm. Wanting to capture themoment, he left his painting outside and admired the rawand rough nature doing its work. His work is ultimately theresult of the rain that falls on the painting, the wind thatshakes it or the snails that pass through it.

Moritz Berg
Stuttgart, Germany

Currently shown at:

Onde sans Rivage

Brussels - Grège Gallery presents the works of its new artist, Moritz Berg

Berg is a young German artist born in 1994. He graduated in architecture and urban planning from the University of Stuttgart. He is currently based in Stuttgart, where he creates exciting works inspired by the hidden qualities of everyday moments.

Berg's artistic practice focuses on the impact of a natural environment and its aesthetic impressions on oneself. He pauses the frenetic pace of daily life in order to perceive the uniqueness and poetry of such impressions. Capturing the gestures of nature leads him to moments of mindfulness and meditation, a concept which is his practical response to the hyper-digital life we live.

To carry out his artistic process, all he does is looking closely at the shadows dancing on the pavement or admiring the trees swaying in the wind. Berg translates these moments of inspiration and quality offered by the environment around us by fusing them with his artistic vision.

His work in the forthcoming exhibition bears witness to this: working on a painting in the south of France last summer, Berg was interrupted by a storm. Wanting to capture the moment, he left his painting outside and admired the raw and rough nature doing its work. His work is ultimately the result of the rain that falls on the painting, the wind that shakes it or the snails that pass through it.

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Onde sans Rivage
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Moritz Berg
Currently shown at:
Onde sans Rivage
€ 5,800.00 EUR
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Moritz Berg
Currently shown at:
Onde sans Rivage
€ 4,900.00 EUR